Last Rose Studios Dev Blog
Development Blog for Last Rose Studios
A touch friendly multi-level menu
Multi-Level menus are the foundation of many content-rich sites. They allow users to get to content without too much effort or searching. One click to get to what they want. That changed with widespread usage of smart phones and tablets. With touch screen becoming the main input method of these...
The dangers of automatically using the latest versions
First let’s clarify, when we say using the latest, we don’t mean developing using the latest version, we mean linking to a CDN’s latest version (for example of jQuery.) Now the big question is why? the latest version addresses bugs, improves performance, etc. etc. etc. Right? Well the problem with...
Node.JS with Express
We’ve been interested in node.js for a while, however just recently found out about the express framework. Having worked with ruby and sinatra, as discussed here, one of the things we loved about sinatra was how easy it was to work with. Express does that, and in my opinion possibly...
HTML5 Audio and Video and how to make a playlist
What are HTML5 audio and HTML5 video With the release of HTML5 A whole bunch of new elements where introduced including the audio and video elements. The huge advantage of these new elements is that most browsers today can understand these new HTML5 elements, this is great since Adobe is...
Marking Up with Microdata
In a project we recently worked on, we were faced with the decision between RDFa (xHTML), Microformats(the oldest of the standards) and Microdata(html5). Considering that we were working in HTML5, RDFa was immediately out. Microformats was a strong contender, however ultimately, microdata won out. First of all what is Microdata...